here are all constellation check them:
(To see larger picture, click on the constellation.)
it has comic games and videos. and creativity
how are you guys doing check out my story that i made:
One day I saw people have a flying bear kites. And I asked them if I could join? And they say yes. So I have a small telescope on my pocket, and I was very tired, and then I let my bear kite go, and then I take out my small telescope on my pocket, and then I look at my small telescope on my pocket, and then I look at my bear kite and I saw a bear star just like this and I was surprise and then I call my friends and they were all surprise, and then I saw a star look like a bear. And then my dad calls me so I got to go back. And the next day I saw a lion when it was night and I was surprise again, and then I call my friends to see it. And it look like this:
By: Ammar |
Posted by
3:09 PM
hello everyone today we have highlight hidden pictures if you want to know the website is so have fun. here is the homepage of hidden pictures!
Posted by
10:37 AM